Together we will beat cancer.
There are lots of different ways you can play your part for our Organisation and to support our good cause projects, from raising money, to pledging a gift in your Will, volunteering, or donating, all of us can support the help the humanity in various part of world. Our volunteers save lives by fundraising for large charities either in the United Kingdom or in Pakistan. And even though things are a bit different at the moment, we need dedicated volunteers more than ever. There are still so many ways to support our life-saving work for humanity.
Shamim Khan
Founder & Director of Shamim Khan Foundation
Shamim Khan, is Founder and Director of Shamim Khan Foundation and currently working as MGV for Collections & Distribution Network at Royal Mail, Manchester Mail Centre, 77 Oldham Road, Manchester M4 5AA. Shamim believes that education is the best way to empower children, especially girls, with the tools, knowledge, strength and confidence they need to promote and protect their own rights, growth and self- sufficiency. With education, children, families, communities and even nations can break the cycle of poverty. Thousands of cities in hundreds of countries there are children living in object poverty on the streets. With no family to care for them, these children face a daily battle for survival and are vulnerable to exploitation and physical, psychological and sexual abuse. The constant perils of the streets force them to grow up too fast, with no chance to play, laugh, love and just be children. Millions of children around the world are deprived of the basic access to education, which has a severe impact on their lives. Shamim Khan Foundation further aims to raise donations for Cancer Research UK. Cancer is major killer in this country. “I think everyone relates to cancer in one way or another and that’s why I decided to fundraise for Cancer Research UK.” Our ambition is to see 3 in 4 people surviving cancer for 10 years or more by 2034. I sincerely believe that, together, we will still beat cancer. We continue to do all we can to tackle cancer.
Mohammad Shamrez Minhas Advocate
Legal Advisor in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Mohammad Shamrez Minhas advocate is famous legal lawyer and member of Mirpur Law Bar Association in Mirpur Azad Kashmir. He is an elected Joint secretary in elections held in 2021 of the Law Bar Association of Mirpur Azad Kashmir. He belongs to a noble family from Kotali, Azad Kashmir. Shamrez received a Bachelors’ degree in law and politics from University of Mirpur Azad Kashmir. During the COVID-19 pandemic he had some free time and decided to use it to support a very important charity who are supporting poor and vulnerable children and to others charities to achieve the missions. He believe`s that donating your time to a charity is always recognised and appreciated by the community.
Special recognition for our family of generous donors and major supporters. We value every donation received. We would especially like to thank those supporters, listed below, for their exceptional support – including all of our donors who wish to remain anonymous.